You know, we often recommend a lot of great mods on GAMINGBible.
We generally try to keep on top of news regarding the best new mods for a bunch of titles, such as Rockstar Games’ Red Dead Redemption 2 and the new PC release of the OG Red Dead Redemption.
Every day, we strive to make sure that you’re aware of the best new content for your favourite PC titles.
Today is not one of those days. Instead, today I’d like to show you a Red Dead mod that you should, under no circumstance, ever install.
“Arthur Morgan Restoration Project” is a brand new Mod over on Nexus for the PC release of Red Dead Redemption that aims (“aims” being the operative word here) to replace John’s in-game model “with the far more superior Arthur Morgan”.
One look at the images of this one should tell you everything you need to know, because this mod is an affront to God.
It seems the mod author is in agreement however, as the description states “THIS IS A JOKE NOT SERIOUS THATS WHY IT DOESNT LOOK GOOD”.
The Nexus community didn’t hold back on the poor mod author however, regardless of whether not the “Restoration Project” is supposed to be a joke or not.
“Owen Wilson Restoration Project is more fitting” commented thecannibal82.
“BRO, WTF IS THIS” replied J0hnTann3r43191.
“Tbh not needed…” stated Itsmedewitt. “John is a well-written character who is also very liked. But thanks, I guess?”
One commenter even compared the model to that of Sawyer from the ABC show Lost, and now I absolutely cannot unsee it.
If you are looking for a way to spruce up John’s appearance though, I highly recommend the mod “John Marston Remastered” by mod author vIBEZ4444.
Mostly just because, y’know, that one actually looks good.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Mods