Rockstar Games is firmly focused on Grand Theft Auto VI which is finally set to land this year.
While it may be a tad sacrilegious to attract the attention away from that to what’s next for the studio, I’m going to do it anyway.
It would definitely be exciting to see Rockstar Games develop a new IP but fair to say that so too would many of us be eager to see a new Red Dead entry made.
That could be Red Dead Redemption 3, or it could be something a tad more standalone like Red Dead Revolver.
It’s Red Dead Redemption 3 that fans are largely clamouring for though, although the main consensus has always been that the game will likely have to concern itself with a new cast of characters.
You can’t exactly set a game after Red Dead Redemption because the Wild West stops being, well, just that … wild.
But Red Dead Redemption 2 has already explored the key trials and tribulations of the Van der Linde gang leading up to then.
As such, it’s likely that Rockstar will have to concern us with a new cohort of outlaws if we’re to remain in the same time period.
GTA VI’s reveal trailer is still all that remains available. Come on Rockstar, drop something new.
“I don't know if the series has anything more to say at this point,” wrote Reddit user JanetheGhost.
“Moving on to Jack in his adulthood takes the series firmly out of its chosen time period, and it's already said everything it has to say about the death of the old west and the oncoming of modernity. [...] Going back further opens up the possibility of establishing a new core message, but I'm not confident that Rockstar has any interesting or important new messages to send with its work anymore.”
It’s a take that’s shared by many.
“A way around that could be to have the player character be Native American. The 'Old West' coincided with the destruction of native independence. From that perspective, the glory days of the West are a period of decline and collapse, not unlike the Van Der Linde Gang,” suggested Thejollyfrenchman.
“Let's drop redemption, keep Red Dead, get a different protagonist and set it in an earlier period of that time, done,” offered a matter of fact Haremking44.
“Red Dead Revolution - takes place during the Civil War with a cowboy that meets characters we see be older in RDR2 and RDR1, but are only side or mentioned,” added TheJohnArrow.
I’d prepare yourself for a major shake-up because I sense that may be what’s coming to the series.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games