Rockstar Games has a huge, great reveal for you all! And before you ask, no, it’s not Grand Theft Auto VI’s second trailer.
Instead, they’ve got some Christmas goodies for you in the form of free content for Red Dead Redemption 2.
As revealed last night on the Rockstar Games blog, Red Dead Redemption 2’s online will be getting a new festive mission called “A Merry Call to Arms.”
“A holiday armistice should be steadfast, but reprobates can’t be trusted. Protect decorated holdouts and settlements across the West — from Adler Ranch to Rhodes — against tides of rogues and scoundrels in A Merry Call to Arms, and earn 2X RDO$, XP, and Gold.”
That’s not all though, as completing the mission with friends will earn you extra rewards (including maybe the coolest jacket in the entire game).
“Plus, participate in A Merry Call to Arms with a Persistent Posse to receive the San Luis Shore Treasure Map and reach Wave 5 to receive the red Winter Shotgun Coat, both through January 6.”
We need that GTA VI second trailer.
And even if you don’t fancy actually playing any missions, simply logging in will earn you a bunch of free stuff too.
“Celebrate the holidays in Red Dead Online by playing from December 24 to December 30 to receive the green Torranca Coat. Ring in the New Year by logging on at any point between December 31 and January 6 to receive a Reward for a Free Honor Reset, a Free Emote, and a Weight Loss Tonic.”
Rockstar also announced that they’re “lifting the Rank lock on the Krampus Shotgun” and that logging in during this period will also earn you the “Winter Evans Repeater Variant.”
Awful nice of them to give us all this free stuff, just in time for Christmas.
Would be an awful lot nicer if a different, trailer-shaped present was under the Christmas tree instead though…
Topics: Red Dead Online, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption