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Red Dead Redemption 2 players stunned by secret John Marston cutscene we all missed

Red Dead Redemption 2 players stunned by secret John Marston cutscene we all missed

Did you know about this?

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a huge game, so, understandably, there are a fair few secrets that we may have missed, such as the cutscene featured in today’s article related to John Marston.

When Red Dead Redemption 2 was released in 2018 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, then the following year for PC, it instantly became another hit for GTA VI developer, Rockstar Games. Simply put, Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most visually striking and immersive games that you could ever play and that notion is supported by its almighty Metacritic score of 97.

Check out the Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer below!

Now fast approaching six years since its original launch, fans on Reddit are still sharing secrets and there’s every chance that you may have missed this cutscene of John Marston being arrested in Blackwater. I am about to wander into spoiler territory here for the endgame content of Red Dead Redemption 2, so you have been warned.

After the conclusion of the main game, you carry on the story as John Marston, the star of the Red Dead Redemption game of 2010, a prequel to the 2018 release. For that reason, the prologue of Red Dead Redemption 2 is a section of the game not to be missed.

Just like the main campaign, you can get in all sorts of shenanigans as John Marston and the gameplay clip shared on Reddit features Marston being arrested and then saved by his understandably displeased wife, Abigail, who clubs a sheriff over the head to free her troublesome husband.

The gameplay clip in question was shared by Reddit user Bored_personBK. “I always said Sadie and Abigail were the two most badass women in this game,” replied Humorous-Prince with Hobiiii adding “What a keeper.”

“I sometimes just surrender on purpose to see if I get an interesting cutscene. I have had one where Hosea bribed the guard with alcohol and another one was John just pulling out some money and bribing the guard,” explained SIIP00.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It’s also backwards compatible with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S but sadly features no 60 frames per second support, at the time of writing.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, PC, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X