Red Dead Redemption 2 may be celebrating its seven-year anniversary this October but that does not mean that fans have found all there is to see hidden across its expansive open-world map.
If there is one thing that Rockstar is known for, it is the amount of detail it puts in its games and despite Red Dead Redemption 2 rapidly approaching its 10-year anniversary, players are still discovering hidden locations and Easter eggs to this day.
Check out the launch trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 below!
That was the case for one player who took to r/reddeadredemption to share a location they stumbled across for the first time quite recently.
“So apparently there is a secret tunnel under the Cornwall Freight Yard in Saint Denis,” they shared, alongside a video showcasing the location.
“Am I the only one who didn‘t know about this?”
However, it seems as though this particular tunnel has quite a bit of history throughout both Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online.
According to some fellow fans in the comments, this tunnel features an item for those who pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition of RDR2 and took part in a treasure hunt.
Additionally, another user had this to say: “There was supposed to be a mission with Micah where you blow that entire place and flee through the tunnel before the explosion goes off. The mission got cut possibly due to story changes.”
However, this tunnel also features heavily in Red Dead Online as it becomes the location of a bounty hunt for a character known as Etta Doyle.
“This is featured in the Online bounty hunt for Etta Doyle,” another comment read.
“I have spent probably close to 50 hours waiting in that damn tunnel farming that mission lol. But yeah I'd never have known it was there if it wasn't for her missions.”
However, for other players, this was their first time seeing the secret location.
“Looks like a smuggler's tunnel. Still can't believe we're finding new stuff like this,” user TWK128 said.
This is just further proof of how much detail Rockstar puts into its games and a reason why RDR2 is still enjoyed to this day.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Online, Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games