Red Dead Online’s annual Halloween event is in full swing and with weekly goodies up for grabs, you don’t want to miss out on this freebie.
Terror is sweeping across Red Dead Redemption 2’s online component and players who are still diving into the Frontier on Red Dead Online can get stuck into new modes as well as earning some limited-time items.
Check out the trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 below!
As well as Bodyguard Telegram missions and Moonshiners Bonuses, players can also try their hand at October’s Featured Series that brings back both the Fear of the Dark and Dead of Night modes.
Diving into any of these modes will reward you with 2x RDO$ as well as bonus XP and the week running from 22-28 October is dedicated to Hardcore Dead of Night.
As you can probably guess, this is your standard Dead of Night mode but with the difficulty ramped up.
Not only will taking part in this mode reward you with extra dollars and XP but winning will also see you receive an offer of 50% off any weapon.
Also running from tomorrow onwards is the chance to receive 40% off an in-game poncho when completing a Moonshiner sale.
Not only that but completing a Moonshiner sale anytime through to 4 November will reward you with the black Morales vest as well as 30 Repeater Express ammo and more.
So you will definitely get more bang for your buck just by taking part.
Additionally, those looking for some more fashionable items but don’t have time to grind the new modes can just log in to Red Dead Online anytime this month to receive the orange Porter Jacket.
There is also the stylish black Folwell Hat available for those who log-in between 29 October and 4 November.
All of these challenges and more are available throughout October and the first week of November so don’t miss out if you want some Halloween scares whilst exploring the Frontier in Red Dead Online.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games