Sometimes, not knowing is for the best. This is something the Red Dead Redemption 2 fanbase is quickly learning now that they’ve discovered what happened to Cain.
Cain the dog joins when the gang makes their way to Clemens Point, and is there until they travel to Beaver Hollow.
Once there, Jack starts calling out to Cain, yet the dog never reappears.
The outlaw life is tough, sometimes even heartbreaking, yet we adore Red Dead Redemption 2. Check out the trailer below.
Some Red Dead Redemption 2 players have fooled themselves into believing they can hear a dog barking in the distance after Jack calls out.
Sadly, it seems that Cain’s fate is worse than that of an abandoned companion.
In one scene while Jack is looking for Cain, Micah makes a point of telling the boy that the dog won’t return.
He’s pretty adamant about it.
While Micah never admits to actually killing the dog, the way he behaves, combined with what he says to Arthur when questioned about Cain’s disappearance, suggests that he hurt the dog.
It’s a horrifying bit of lore that not every Rockstar fan was aware of. Naturally, it’s proven quite distressing for them to learn.
To the point that some choose to believe that Cain left because he sensed a shift in the atmosphere of the camp.
“Dogs are highly intuitive and can pick up on emotions. If the vibe of the gang was unsettling, it's likely a dog would find someplace safer to live,” theorised one player.
“So while I don't think it's impossible that Micah killed the dog (intentionally or not) I think it's more likely the dog ran away.”
Although sad, we prefer that to the harsh reality of the alternative.
We’re sorry if this is the first you’re learning of Cain’s fate. If it helps, we dislike informing you of Micah’s cruel ways.
Why not explore a new map expansion to help you forget all about mean Micah?
You won’t find Cain, but maybe you can avoid spending time with such a horrible man.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Take-Two