Scroll up a little bit and look at the image I’ve used for this article. See that one on the left, with people dancing around a campfire, looking a bit maniacal? That’s how this game makes me feel just reading about it.
Why? It sounds very odd. I’ve not played it, yet, I was drawn in by the screenshots on the IfSunSets Steam page, but as I read on, I wanted it in my life even more.
More humans fighting creatures are found, dinosaurs in the this case, in the recently announced Turok: Origins
Ancient civilisation, okay, fine. Survival aspects, sounds good. Arcane and divine powers, sure I’m all about that magical stuff.
The player seemingly wakes as “a wanderer caught in the maelstrom of a kraken's wrath.” Now we’re getting a bit weirder, keep it coming.
Night falls, danger lurks, yep that’s the usual survival stuff I like, but can it be a bit more odd?
“Seal away their spirits, seek the aid of the fairy Blifia, and discover the path to freedom,” there it is.
We can’t just survive like normal people on deserted islands, there has to be something unique and different in these games now, and fairies will do it for me.
Looking more into the screenshots and gifs on the store page it shows a pretty unique survival game.
It seems a very pretty game, with various locales in historical periods. There are shades of Red Dead Redemption in parts, but then it throws you over to the paradise of Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag.
IfSunSets has two distinct time periods that make the world feel very different. We’re used to monsters in the dark, but they hunt you here. Pursuing you relentlessly.
And there are waves and waves of zombies, creatures, and animals that want to use you as a chew toy.
The combat looks great, too. Especially with a variety of weapons and armour that I’m sure take time to unlock.
I wasn’t aware of this game at all until now, and there’s a prologue that’s free to play, so I’m going to give it a try tonight.
Topics: Red Dead Online, Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassins Creed, Steam, PC