A lot of these secrets in Red Dead Redemption 2 are very easy to miss, but with a little guidance you can seek them out and improve your playthrough. Get ready to see some beauty, some wildlife, and some very peculiar moments.
If you’re new to Red Dead Redemption 2, as it has just been added to PlayStation Plus, or if you’re still travelling the old west, you should know the game hides a lot of details. Rockstar Games are known for hiding away little details, secret missions, and lovely touches that bring the world to life.
Become Enlightened
If you look over to the Grizzlies mountain range, and climb the peak just under the ‘R’ on the map, you’ll find a monk meditating amongst nature. It’s a gorgeous view from up here and while you can disturb the monk using nefarious ways, it’s a perfect place to take a moment away from the outlaw life and appreciate the world Rockstar Games created.
Ghost hunting
Head over to Northwest Lemoyne and wait by the train tracks at night. With enough patience you will get to watch as a ghost train thunders along the track. It’s quite a sight to behold, but be wary, this train, as ethereal as it looks, can still run you down and end your adventure real fast. According to some, you can only witness the train once per playthrough, so remember to capture it for posterity.

Naked and alone
In the north of New Hanover, near to where the river bends west, there’s a cave. Go and visit and you’ll be in for a rather rude awakeneing. Living in this cave is a feral man who has been in the elements for too long. There he is, minding his business and you stroll in while he’s in his birthday suit. Of course, he attacks you. He even calls in some wolves to help him out. Who knows how long this wolfman has been out here.
Meet Bigfoot (maybe)
This encounter doesn’t unlock until you’ve registered 30 different animals via your binoculars or scope. Once this is achieved, you can head out to a blocked cave east of Wapiti Indian Reservation. You’ll notice a flock of bird at the lake that will startle and if you follow them, you’ll reach the cave. Once here you can chat to the mystery cave dweller who may or may not be Bigfoot.

They missed their flight
Ventre out to West Elizabeth and head north from the ‘W’ on the map. Near to the river you will find a crashed plane - five years before the first official flight of the Kitty Hawk. Of course, this is a crash site, so they obviously didn’t get off the ground for long. There isn’t anything else to find here, but it’s a lovely addition to the world.
What’s under the mask?
While you’re out in West Elizabeth, you can find yourself a cool pagan mask. You may have seen this ritual site as part of the serial killer questline, it’s pretty easy to find though. You’ll want to head to the western border, about halfway up the region and you’ll spot the site easily. There’s not much to see aside from a mutilated corpse, but you can collect a spooky-looking mask that can be worn around town to frighten people.

We’re not alone
This is one of the coolest secrets to find. If you’re in New Hanover you can find Hani’s Bethal, home of a long-dead cult. If you hang around the building until 2am a UFO will appear and light up the building with an eerie green light. UFOs make appearances in many Rockstar games and this is always fun moment to experience.
Going down to South Park
The creators of South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, are self-confessed fans of Red Dead Redemption and Rockstar noticed this. As a little tribute to the TV show, the developer added ManBearPig, the infamous monster that Al Gore is obsessed with. You can find the corpse of the monster in a house near the Van Horn Tading Post. You can only access this building from the roof, and it’s well worth the detour.

The bloodsucker
If you’re spending some time in and around Saint Denis, it might be worth keeping an eye out for a questline that will lead you to a brilliant cameo. You’ll have to discover five pieces of writing around the settlement and if you follow along eventually you’ll come face to face with Nosferatu while he’s chowing down on a member of the public. Kill him, leave him, or haul him off to church, it’s up to you.
Second breakfast?
Called a ‘Mysterious Hole Home’ this is really a Hobbit Home tucked away in the wilds of the map. This one is very easy to miss given the size of the wilderness, but we can help you along by guiding you to Ambarino in the Grizzlies East. Nearby you’ll find a very quaint home tucked away inside a small hill, obviously inspired by Tolkein’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. Sadly you can’t explore inside, but it’s a nice place to stop off and visit.

The sadness of death
If you’re completing tasks around Valentine you can hang around until night falls to hear some very spooky, and touchingly sad, noises. Once the sun sets you’ll hear screams and frantic weeping which is said to be the mothers of dead Native Americans calling out for their fallen. It’s a dark secret, but a poignant one given the history of the United States.
One last cave dweller
There’s a literal hellish location found west of Wallace Station called, unsurprisingly, Devil’s Cave. Once you arrive here you will find satan himself. Well, okay, it’s not really. It’s some random dude cosplaying as Lucifer, but he’s worth meeting as he’s very odd and peculiar. Some of the details you can find inside his cave are strange, yet entertaining.

Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Playstation Plus