One very determined Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket player has figured out exactly how much money you’ve got to spend to complete your card collection… by spending a frankly exorbitant amount of money.
Shout out to Ethan Dean over on Dexerto for the original source!
Over on the r/PTCGP subreddit, Reddit user Weens4Life has been walking Pokémon TCG Pocket players through the process of successfully collecting every single card in the game, and what they had to spend to pull it off.
In a thread titled “Obtaining Every Card, Info for Spenders and Collectors”, Weens4Life broke down all of their findings.
“I have collected every card,” they explained. “It cost $1500 to do so.”
“Completing the base card dex costs about $200. It took opening 1741 packs and collecting 8582 cards. There is no reward for doing this.”
All I can say is, yikes.
$1,500. For our British readers, that’s roughly £1,200. You could almost buy two PlayStation 5 Pros with that.
So, a few things we should probably clear up here. First things first, don’t do this.
Secondly, the $1,500 Weens4Life spent to achieve this isn’t a fixed sum. There’s obviously a lot of chance involved in opening packs in Pokémon TCG Pocket.
This could end up costing you half the amount if you were lucky. It could also end up costing you twice the amount if you weren’t. Don’t gamble kids.
And finally, while Weens4Life’s set may be complete now… it won’t stay that way for long.
Pokémon TCG Pocket will be adding new cards at the end of December. Plus, The Pokemon Company has a big update planned for the start of 2025 that will undoubtedly introduce even more packs.
“Completing” Pokémon TCG Pocket is a temporary achievement. There will always be new cards to collect, and more money to spend doing so.
Open a savings account. Donate to a charity. Order a pizza and spend way too much money getting every single topping on it. Do literally anything else but spend over a grand on a mobile game, I beg of you.
Topics: Pokemon