This amazing animation from Pedro Araujo tells the entire story of Pokémon Red in a three hour showing and fans are floored by the effort and the quality that he has put into this passion project.
Over the course of two years, Araujo animated this interpretation of the cherished game with his two friends who helped him colour the scenes. "Every main moment and every main battle. That's all in there," explained the animator in an interview with games radar.
"Even after creating some non-canon moments, like the battle in Silph Co. that I decided to create to give more importance to the last battle with Team Rocket, there are still the two canon moments - the rival battle, and the 1v1 vs Giovanni with four Pokemon." As the clips were uploaded to YouTube, Araujo took on board the comments that fans were leaving about the animation, and worked these into the final product.
Check out this ridiculous roster of wins and fails from Pokémon Legends: Arceus below!
Araujo's efforts are absolutely astonishing even if you're not a massive Pokémon fan. Grab some popcorn and settle in for the long haul here:
"You didn't animate the game we played, you animated the game we experienced. Magnificent," said KentaiP. "I cried, I laughed, I wondered once again if Brock and Misty will ever bother to put on a shirt on important battle events- I felt for Blue and for Giovanni and even for Sabrina," added SodonaBalalaica. "Been playing Pokémon all my life and it warms my heart to know people out there love it this much."
Topics: Pokemon