Few characters in the world of Pokémon are as mysterious as Ash Ketchum's father. While the young trainer's dad has been mentioned a few times over the last 26 years, we've never really known if he's alive or dead... until now.
Ash has had a hell of a 2022. After 26 years as the lead character of the Pokémon anime, he's finally stepping down to let someone else take charge. But he's going out with a bang. Just last month Ash finally became the World Champion, and is currently involved in a bit of a nostalgia victory lap which included meeting up with his old Butterfree again.
Ash is currently saying his goodbyes in a series of special episodes, and the most recent one gives us our best insight yet into the relationship between the young trainer and his father. It's worth noting here that it's never actually been explained who Ash's dad is or where he's been for the last 26 years. There are plenty of theories, of course, but nothing concrete.
That's why fans can't decide whether to laugh or cry at the way Ash's dad was handled in the latest anime special, which aired over in Japan recently. The special ends with Ash finally going to meet up with his dad in Pallet Town - but things don't quite work out that way.
As Ash arrives back home he finds his mum, who cheerfully informs him that his dad was just here - but that he had to leave. No explanation is given as to why Mr Ketchum couldn't wait five minutes to see his son after all this time, but it's a pretty damning indictment of his parental skills if you ask me.
While Ash's dad isn't actually around, he does at least leave his son with a gift: a new hat that resembles the cap Ash wore all the way back in the original series. So in other words, his dad gave him some old clothes and f***ed off. Father Of The Year.
Topics: Pokemon, TV And Film