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'The Last Of Us Part 2' Special Edition PS4 Sure Is Gorgeous

'The Last Of Us Part 2' Special Edition PS4 Sure Is Gorgeous

I'll take two.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

As sure as night follows day, Sony is always on hand to mark the release of a new exclusive game with a limited-edition PlayStation 4. And sure enough, the company has unveiled a brand-new special edition PS4 Pro based on The Last Of Us Part II - and it really is quite a stunner.

Take a look at the console for yourself in all its glory below. This is a wonderfully subtle bit of kit, boasting Ellie's gorgeous tattoo sleeve etched on the top of the machine. The game's logo can be also be found adorning the front, just in case you were worried some people will come to your house and won't immediately understand that it's a limited-edition PS4 based on The Last Of Us.


The PS4 also comes with a controller, which boasts the same design as the console. You'll also be glad to hear the bundle includes a physical copy of the game, an exclusive dynamic theme, and special selection of avatars. The whole thing launches alongside the game on June 19th, and will set you back around £350. If you just want the controller to call your own, that'll be £50.

Clearly Sony has sensed an opportunity to release a wide range of products based on The Last Of Us Part II, because it doesn't stop with the console. Oh no. You can also get your hands on a Seagate 2TB hard drive and a wireless headset, both of which rock the same motif as the console. It's certainly one of the better-looking hard drives I've seen in my life, I'll tell you that much.

"When we first revealed The Last Of Us Part 2, we had no idea how quickly fans would embrace Ellie's tattoo," Naughty Dog art director John Sweeney told the PlayStation Blog. "Within a day, we started seeing real-life versions showing up on social media and fans have been sharing photos of their new tattoos with us week after week ever since."


"When the opportunity arose to create a custom PS4 Pro for The Last of Us Part II, I worked with our graphic designer at the time, Angel Garcia, and we considered a few different ideas," he continues, "but we kept coming back to Ellie's tattoo. By that point, it had become a symbol of the game and for the community - much like the Firefly logo in the first game.

"It was the clear choice, but we wondered: what if it could be engraved? It hadn't been done before, so we weren't sure it was even possible, but thanks to the incredible efforts of the teams at PlayStation, we found a way."

At last, we can finally rock expensive headsets, custom consoles, and shiny hard drives - just like they don't in The Last Of Us Part II.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: The Last of Us Part 2, Naughty Dog