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'The Last Of Us Part 2' Gets A Gorgeous Free PS4 Theme

'The Last Of Us Part 2' Gets A Gorgeous Free PS4 Theme


Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

You probably haven't heard, but there's this small indie game called The Last Of Us Part II on the way. Whatever, it's no big deal. Developer Naughty Dog recently shared a substantial development update with fans over on the PlayStation blog, where it was confirmed that the post-apocalyptic sequel had entered the final stages of development.

To celebrate this last, agonising stretch before the game's May 29th release date, Naughty Dog has released a free dynamic PlayStation 4 theme. Yes, while we count down the 107 days to release, we can stare longingly at this gorgeous theme. If we close our eyes, we can even pretend that we're finally playing the game for real.

Take a look at it in all its glory below, along with instructions on how you can claim it for yourself. All you need to do is head to the PS4 store, select the option to redeem a code, and enter the relevant code based on your territory. Simple.

Staring at the new theme, which is now proudly installed on my own PS4, it's finally sinking in that The Last Of Us Part II is actually, really on the way.

"We are thrilled to say that we've entered the final stretch of production and are putting the finishing touches on The Last of Us Part II as you read this," Naughty Dog wrote on the PlayStation Blog yesterday.

"The end of development puts us one very large step closer to launch. We know all of you have been so patient over the last few years, so it's been thrilling to see our game taking on its final shape and knowing that means it will be in your hands soon."

The Last Of Us Part 2
The Last Of Us Part 2

Fans everywhere were obviously a little disappointed when it was announced last year that the game wouldn't be ready in time for its intended February 21st release - but who could really begrudge Naughty Dog the extra time needed to polish the game and get it up its demonstrably high standard? Not this guy.

Beyond a shiny free theme and the promise that the game is very close to be being finished, Naughty Dog also revealed that fans who attend Boston's PAX East will have the chance to go hands-on with The Last Of Us Part II in the game's first ever public demo. Does anybody wanna give me a ride to Boston?

Featured Image Credit: Naughty Dog

Topics: PlayStation, The Last of Us Part 2, Naughty Dog, PS4