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PlayStation 5 Devkit Image Might Show New DualShock 5 Controller

PlayStation 5 Devkit Image Might Show New DualShock 5 Controller

One controller to rule them all.

Mark Foster

Mark Foster

In yet another leaked image of the now-confirmed-to-be-real by Sony PS5 devkit, we might have our clearest look yet at what appears to be a brand-new controller. Indeed, a pair of them, no less. Are they the DualShock 5 controllers? Quite possibly, yes.

The new image was posted to Twitter by AllGamesDelta (via GamesRadar) who is apparently something of a dab hand when it comes to "leaking" industry details and such. The picture reportedly comes from an anonymous developer, and shows a pair of PS5 devkits (aka hardware sent to developers so they can start building games for the retail version of the console in question, that'll eventually end up in your home) on a desktop, accompanied by the controllers. Check them out below.

The controllers do bear a striking resemblance to the leaked patent for a PS5 controller we saw back in October, which themselves look an awful lot like the PS4 controllers we all know and love (sort of), so there's no real way to know for sure. There's every chance that these are indeed DualShock 4 controllers plugged into the devkit, but it would make much more sense for Sony to just send out the controllers with the kits.

The leaked patent shows that the general shape of the controller will remain the same, save for a few key new features. The shoulder buttons and triggers have been modified alongside the lightbar, and a built-in microphone wraps around the underside of the body.

PS5 Leaked Controller Patent
PS5 Leaked Controller Patent

There have been numerous leaks of the PS5 devkit to the point where Sony has all but confirmed they are now real. The V-shaped body is, in all honesty, hideous - but devkits are almost always some way removed from what the final consoles look like, so don't fret just yet. The devkits for both the PS3 and PS4 looked nothing like the sleek consoles we ultimately got.

We know that developers including Guerrilla Games (Horizon Zero Dawn, Killzone), Naughty Dog (The Last of Us, Uncharted) and more are all busy beavering away on titles for the PS5, and these models have seemingly been out in the wild for some time, so it's really a surprise that we haven't seen anything of the DualShock 5 sooner.

As for the release of the PS5, Sony have confirmed that we're looking at a Holiday 2020 release window, which would put it head-to-head against Microsoft's new Xbox, codenamed Project Scarlett. We'll likely get a full reveal of both consoles on or before E3 2020 next June.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PlayStation 5, PS5, PlayStation 4