It's been revealed that plenty more games are heading for PlayStation Plus next month. In fact, all three tiers are getting some cracking titles, so whether you're on the Essential, Plus, or Premium plan, there are some goodies coming your way.
Perhaps most exciting is the entire Yakuza series, including 2020's Yakuza: Like a Dragon. While the others in the series (Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami, Yakuza Kiwami 2, and Yakuza 3, 4, 5, and 6) will only be available on Extra and Premium plans, all PlayStation Plus members will have access to Like a Dragon.
Check out our interview with Yakuza series producer, Daisuke Sato, below!
Like a Dragon has an entirely new protagonist (Kazuma Kiryu), who, unlike the previous central characters, is trying to leave the gangster lifestyle to be a good guy - a hero. In another drastic departure from the series, the beat 'em up combat is replaced with turn-based RPG mechanics. If you want the story from the start, you'll need the Extra and Premium plans, but Like a Dragon will still make sense without playing the other seven.
Also included in all plans is the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 Cross-Gen Deluxe Bundle, which are the remakes of the classic PS1 skater games. We recommend this for the soundtrack alone. Also, the creepy Little Nightmares, will be available for all members. If you haven't taken control of Six as she traverses this terrifying world in her yellow raincoat, then now is a good time to do it. Celebrate Halloween early.
The PlayStation Plus Essential plan costs £6.99, £19.99, and £49.99 to pay monthly, quarterly, and yearly respectively. For the Extra plan; £10.99, £31.99, and £83.99, and the Premium Plan; £13.49, £39.99, and £99.99. The three-tier system for PlayStation Plus was announced back in June's PS Plus update, to offer member more as part of their subscription.
Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus