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New 'The Last Of Us Part 2' Concept Art Shows Ellie's Dog Companion

New 'The Last Of Us Part 2' Concept Art Shows Ellie's Dog Companion

Dogs. Together. Strong.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

While we endure the painful (longer than initially expected) wait for The Last Of Us Part II, what should we do? Do we lie down and cry until May 2020? Do we play through The Last Of Us again and then lie down and cry until 2020? Either choice is an entirely valid option of course.

However, if you don't fancy either of those, you could take a look at the four new gorgeous pieces of concept art that Naughty Dog just revealed. It's not exactly the same as playing The Last Of Us Part II. Actually, it's nothing at all like playing The Last Of Us Part II. But they're gorgeous pieces of work that are well worth a look, all the same.

The four different images show off a range of scenarios that might even give away a little of what we can expect when the game finally releases. We have a couple of gorgeous outdoor scenes, and one (my personal favourite) image that shows Ellie taking some time to relax, with an injured dog by her side.

This shiny new concept art was released in collaboration with Cook and Becker, and can be yours. For a price obviously. That's how these things work. The limited time prints are available framed or unframed, for prices that range between $95 (about £73) and $410 (about £317).

The four pieces are called; 'Seattle Arrival', 'Powerlines', Hunting in the Woods', and 'Ellie and Dog'. I'd hope you can work out which is which just by looking at them.

Out of all four pieces, I'm most intrigued by 'Ellie and Dog'. Not just because it's got a dog in it - although that's always a bonus - but because I can't help but feel it hints that Ellie might have a canine companion for a stretch of The Last Of Us Part II. All of the dogs we've seen in the game so far belong enemies, and you'll have to either kill or avoid them on your travels.

Basically, they aren't your mates, so why would one of the enemy NPC dogs be chilling next to Ellie in a piece of concept art?

Naughty Dog

It could obviously just be that it's nothing more than a nice piece of concept art and doesn't actually hint towards anything gameplay-wise... but I can't help but feel that Naughty Dog will offer plays at least one friendly doggo face amidst the gauntlet of angry pooches.

Knowing Naughty Dog, we'll probably develop a strong bond with a dog buddy and then watch it get brutally killed right in front of us. I'd put money on it, in fact.

Featured Image Credit: Naughty Dog

Topics: The Last of Us Part II, PlayStation, Naughty Dog, PS4