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Major PlayStation 5 Event Coming This Week, Sony Confirms

Major PlayStation 5 Event Coming This Week, Sony Confirms

Mark your calendars.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Sony has confirmed that it's ready to share some new PlayStation 5 information with us all. Just days after Microsoft finally unveiled the price and release date for the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, the tech giant announced that a major next-gen showcase will be broadcast later this week.

On September 16th at 9pm BST, PlayStation will hold another State Of Play presentation filled with news on the upcoming console. While we have no idea what exactly to expect from the show, it's a safe bet that we'll be getting updates on previously announced games... as well as one or two surprise reveals.

Fans are also hoping that we'll finally get that all-important price/release date information for the standard PS5 and digital-only edition. Now that Microsoft has let the cat out of the bag in regards to pricing, surely Sony has to make its move... right?

I'd certainly be very surprised if Sony didn't use this event as an opportunity to drop the news. The last major PlayStation 5 showcase revealed the design of the console, as well as a handful of first- and third-party titles. Among them, we saw Resident Evil Village, Demon's Souls, Horizon Forbidden West, and Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

While we don't know which or how many new titles could be revealed at the upcoming event, I certainly have my hopes. I'm still waiting on news of a Bloodborne PS5 port, so I wouldn't turn my nose up at anything in that area. It'd also be cool to see something on the long-rumoured sequel to God Of War, but with a number of major PS5 exclusives already announced, Sony may well want to spend the show focusing on those.

The two PlayStation 5 models arriving later in 2020 /
Sony Interactive Entertainment

Last week, Microsoft confirmed that it'll launch the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S on November 10th at £450 and £250 respectively. All eyes are now on Sony to see if it can match those prices with its own next-gen offerings, or if it'll attempt to justify a higher price point by dazzling the fans with a night full of exclusive first-party reveals.

Be sure to tune in later this week and see for yourself. Right now I'm excited for both next-gen machines to come out... but if Bloodborne 2 gets announced, I know where my allegiance lies.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PS5, Xbox Series X, PlayStation