Praise be, Xbox has listened to its users and is implementing a feature we’ve all asked for at one time or another.
We don’t claim this is the most life changing update you’ll receive for your Xbox, but we can say it’ll make your experience more unique to you. And isn’t that what we all want, really?
Even if it’s not on your list of must-have features, after Xbox’s recent blunder has made one of 2024’s biggest games unplayable, Microsoft needs a way to get out of the doghouse.
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According to Tom Warren on Twitter, tests for a “new Xbox Home UI” are happening; it will allow players to “enable game art backgrounds” with “any dynamic or regular background”.
“Much better than having to use a default background to get the game art feature,” Warren adds, alongside a video illustrating their point.
For anyone ready to say that Xbox has “copied” PlayStation, allow Warren’s words to explain the sentiment of the Team Xbox camp: “They [Xbox] copied them last year, this just makes the feature better.”
Shots were fired.
Xbox users are already pleased with this news, however, they have some additional notes. “Cool. Let us turn ads off of our home screens and have complete control of our screen layout,” suggests one gamer.
Others merely praise Microsoft for “finally” implementing this update, “Omg finally! I've been wanting this kind of feature forever!”
Whether you’re stoked that this change is happening, or you’re annoyed it took so long and thus intend to moan about it, one thing we can’t take away from Microsoft is that it’s trying.
And for those querying if this has already been done and therefore is nothing new, to that Warren says, “It's been a feature on this latest dashboard since last year, this just improves it.”
Topics: Xbox, Microsoft, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X