Xbox is reportedly considering increasing the price of Xbox Game Pass before it adds Call Of Duty games, and fans aren’t happy in the slightest.
Ever since it closed the deal with Activision-Blizzard, fans have been patiently waiting for Xbox to add Call Of Duty games to Xbox Game Pass, something it’s working on but hasn’t shared any dates for.
Adding to its radio-silence, Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 comes out tomorrow and there’s been no marketing for it, check out the trailer below
Now Xbox players are collectively losing their minds at the rumour Xbox Game Pass is set to receive a price-hike, right before more games get added.
This has been attempted a few times in the past, like when Xbox was going to increase the price of Xbox Live Gold but backed down due to fan backlash.
PlayStation has been in a similar boat whenever it’s increased the price of PlayStation Plus, which it’s always defended by saying it’ll have a positive impact on the game selection and other bonus features.
In a Reddit thread by ThatOneArtKid, which shared a news piece from IGN reporting on the price-hike, fans reacted with disappointment and anger.
“I think a price hike is a mistake. I don’t think many people are hooked on Game Pass in the same way that people are with Netflix and Spotify. As prices go up, I think subs will go down.”
“So with Game Pass you have to pay for everything, even things you are not interested in. I don't play COD, So what value is there to me paying more.”
“Another price hike would put Game Pass dangerously close to not being worth it anymore. I work too many hours for too little money and only play a couple of new games a month.”
If Xbox Game Pass is set to increase its prices, let’s hope the new additions make it worth it in the long run.
Topics: Xbox, Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S