A conversation among Starfield players has highlighted that many would consider the lack of space exploration a missed opportunity by Bethesda.
When Starfield launched, it did so to a very mixed reception; some fell in love with this new sci-fi slant from Bethesda, while others were left wanting much more. Despite putting in 60 hours and finishing the game, I for one was asking much more of the game, finding holes in so many aspects of the RPG. Chief among them, the lack of proper space exploration.
Starfield was lacking in several departments but still found a lot of love.
Over on Reddit, one player has voiced their own disappointment that space didn’t feature more points of interest to explore. Of course, the players in the subreddit were quick to give their opinions and point out the consistency in Starfield missing the mark.
“For a space game, you don’t spend much time in space,” said one user, u/intrepid00. Kind of hits the nail on the head there. While there’s plenty of space to fly around in, there’s little else to do. Another user jumped into the conversation with, “They really should’ve cut the number of systems in half and created more POIs, I feel like that would’ve worked better, like do we really need this many systems.”
Starfield, compared to other Bethesda games, feels very empty at many points of the adventure. It’s lacking the life needed to make it feel as if it’s under threat in any way. Without others going about their business off-planet the player feels too isolated. “I was really hoping for [more] space battles,” said one user. While another Redditor wrote, “I can’t imagine it would be too overwhelmingly hard to have a few developers building new POIs and adding a dozen or to the random lists with each update.” It might be a little bit late for many players who have moved on, but a big update adding in more content would certainly bring some of them back.
Topics: Starfield, Xbox Game Pass, Xbox, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PC, Steam, Bethesda