A lot is riding on Starfield, not just for the players looking forward to a new universe to dive headfirst into, but for Xbox itself. Nobody needs to explain why this Bethesda game is such a big deal for the platform – after the disaster of Redfall, Xbox is looking to create first-party exclusives that Sony and Nintendo are jealous of. It hasn’t managed it yet, but this new RPG could be the one.
The review embargo hasn't lifted yet, and won’t until 31 August, however, that hasn’t stopped leaks trickling through the cracks. Although it’s disappointing to see late-game details already on the internet, fans are happy with what they know so far; for all intents and purposes, Starfield is already a success in the eyes of many.
Immerse yourself in Starfield with Inon Zur's live performance.
In an interview with gamesindustry.biz, Xbox’s Jerret West said, “This is, in my mind, the doorway, almost like a starting gun, to what I think is going to be a multi-year relay race of first-party titles.” They continued, “This very much feels like the starting gun for this relay pass that's going to take place over the next couple of years. So as a marketer, I'm super excited about that. I think we are entering a period where this is the beginning of something that's going to be really special over the course of the next several years.”
There are definitely many positives already lined up and in the bag. However, after what can only be described as a desolate year for Xbox releases in 2022, you’ll forgive some gamers for being a little… tentative about their excitement. Starfield isn’t even out yet, and while sneak peeks have left fans moved, not to mention the number of players already losing nights to the game, there’s still plenty we don’t know about this IP. Oh, and let’s not forget that Baldur’s Gate 3 is about to come out on PlayStation 5 on 6 September; yes, Xbox will eventually get it, but this title will still be Starfield’s rival.
As an Xbox gal at heart, I sincerely hope that Xbox has finally pulled itself together and that Bethesda is about to drop a game that really is the start of a new era for the platform. Because, if it isn’t, I fear fans will do more than simply review-bomb to get their anger across.
Starfield will launch on 6 September.
Topics: Starfield, Xbox, Microsoft, Xbox Series X