Fallout fans are returning to Fallout 3 on Xbox, which currently boasts 60fps and 4K visuals, making it the “best time” to revisit the game.
While fans patiently wait for the next major Bethesda release, Starfield, most are content with replaying the developer’s past titles, many of which still hold up decades after their release.
Take a look at one of the latest Starfield trailers below!
Among these past titles are gems like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3, which is the topic of today’s conversation. Fallout 3 can currently be played on modern consoles like the Xbox Series X/S and PS5, and received a major framerate boost for the former a couple of years ago.
This enables the game to be played at 60fps, along with 4K/1440p visuals, which Reddit user Eglwyswrw drew attention to in a recent thread, saying it’s the: “best time to revisit this gem!”
Fans were in agreement too, many of which had fond memories of playing the game for the very first time, leading to great expectations from future entries in the series like Fallout 5, which could potentially be an Xbox exclusive.
“Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a - wait wrong game, Fallout 3 was so f****** good!”
“These games are freaking dangerous. I started playing Skyrim a while ago, currently 160 hours in and it feels like the game will never end. I keep finding new stuff and quests (not just the generic ones). Hopefully I can make it before Starfield!”
“The best fallout by far”
Weirdly though, Fallout 4 is yet to receive a boost to its frame rate and graphics. Despite releasing in 2015 and being one of Bethesda’s most successful games ever, it hasn’t received any updates to optimise it for new-gen platforms. One was announced to be on the way last year, but is yet to materialise, causing confusion amongst fans.
“Still waiting for that Fallout 4 update…”
“Same! I’ve been dying to replay this game but put it off last year when I heard about the update. I thought it’d be here by March :(“
“It was supposed to arrive this year, so hopefully we get some news soon!”
In the meantime, fans can still enjoy some of Bethesda’s legacy titles, many of which are fully-optimised for modern systems and the perfect way to pass the time until Starfield takes off this September.
Topics: Fallout, Bethesda, Xbox, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S