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Steam gamers can grab a gorgeous open-world game for super cheap right now

Steam gamers can grab a gorgeous open-world game for super cheap right now

Don't sit on this deal as it won't be around for long

With a huge sale going on over on Steam, you may be wondering what to buy. There are some genuinely amazing deals, but we know you love a great open world title to while away the hours.

So, you just have to check out Forza Horizon 5, which has been reduced by 50%.

This should convince you to try out Forza Horizon 5, if nothing else does

Little beats tearing around the countryside in a fancy car, kicking up clods of dirt, and drifting through patches of water.

When it comes to open world racers, none compare to Forza Horizon. It’s a wonderful feeling of freedom just hopping in and out of races or taking in the sights.

Developed by Xbox Game Studios, this racer has it all, even a banging soundtrack. What more do you want from a racer other than hooning around like a lunatic?

You can boot up Forza Horizon 5 and do nothing except speed through back streets before taking to the grass and launching your car from various jumps and hills.

Of course, if you want standard racing, that’s in there too. Lapped races, rally stages, and more extravagant race modes as well. It’s all under the hood.

I’m not a big fan of racing simulations, which is why I’ll always choose something like this. It’s a bit silly, but it still takes the cars seriously - well, except the monster trucks, I guess.

With plenty of partnerships, you can find branded rides to try out, and there’s an amazing replay system to watch back your finest moments.

With a ‘Very Positive’ standing on Steam from over 168K reviews, it’s a stand-out in the genre and shouldn’t be missed at such a great price.

Having no barriers or borders (within reason) you can fully explore a gorgeous world brought to life with wonderful visuals. Get it, load it up,and drift around until you’re dizzy.

Featured Image Credit: Xbox Game Studios, Valve

Topics: Steam, PC, Forza