The Portal: Revolution mod has finally arrived, after eight years of development. If you’re looking for another Portal fix - and given that Valve refuses to announce Portal 3, aren’t we all - you’re going to want to check out this latest freebie.
Portal 1 and Portal 2 are often hailed as two of the greatest video games of all-time, and rightly so. Unlike any puzzler that came before it, it was nigh impossible not to be enraptured by Chell’s attempt to escape the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, encountering GLaDOS’ various physics-bending challenges in Portal 1. Portal 2 then offered up a more refined dose of the formula, complete with a stronger narrative and the addition of co-op. Given the critical success of this franchise, I remain surprised that Valve isn’t working on a third instalment. We can now dive into the highly-anticipated Portal: Revolution mod though, something that’s been the talk of the fandom for quite some time.
Take a look at Portal: Revolution in action below.
I’m talking about the very highest calibre of mods here. Portal: Revolution plays and feels like a fully-fledged expansion, boasting an impressive level of complexity and thought in its puzzles. Created by Second Face Software, Revolution is set between Portal 1 and 2 and has been in development for eight years. It offers players a brand new story, complete with eight hours of gameplay, 40 new challenges and test chambers, and new mechanics.
It launched just two days ago and already has a ‘Very Positive’ review score of 94% on Steam. “Portal fans did what Valve didn’t,” read one review, while another said, “If you thought Mel was the best Portal mod, you’ve got another thing coming.” One user wrote, “Feels like a legit Portal game”. You can’t really ask for higher praise than that.
Best of all, Portal: Revolution is totally free! You will need Portal 2 in order to play it but if you’re reading this article, I’m imagining you’re a seasoned fan and that’s no problem at all. If you do need to pick up the game, it’s on offer for just 85p until 11 January, or you can nab it bundled with Portal 1 for £1.28. That is a great offer.