After the costly month that is December, you may be endeavoring to be a tad kinder to your bank balance at the moment. If you find yourself nodding in agreement but you’re still looking to dive into a couple of games to unwind, you’re going to want to head over to Steam.
As reported by ComicBook, Fanatical is running an incredible new deal on Steam which has reduced over 20 games to under £1 each. It’s all a part of the ‘Build Your Own Winter Bundle’ offer. There are 25 games included in the offer. If you’ve not encountered one of these bundle deals before, you can select one game from the 25 for £1, five games for £2.99 or 10 games for £4.99. It’s a great way to nab some excellent titles for very little money. Clearly, the more games you choose, the cheaper the individual games become. If you opt for the £4.99 bundle, each game comes in at less than 50 pence. A bargain, if ever I saw one.
DID YOU KNOW: The Last of Us premiered on HBO one year ago today.
You’ll have to act quick, as the offer is limited in quantity. Kung Fu Kickball and Talk To Strangers have already ‘sold out’ and can no longer be included in your selection. That leaves 23 games to choose from.
They are as follows, with individual retail prices in brackets: Golf It (£5.99), I Am Fish (£15.99), The Wild Eight (£19.99), Grip - Combat Racing/Grip Artifex Car Pack Double Pack (£28.98), OTTTD/One More Line/Death Squared Triple Pack (£19.67), Lawn Mowing Simulator (£15.99), HammerWatch (£8.50), Just Die Already (£11.99), Godstrike (£12.99), Golf Club Nostalgia (£8.50), Windward (£7.99), The Long Reach (£12.99), Hands of Necromancy (£4.29), One More Island (£16.75), Blood and Zombies (£12.97), Slap City (£15.49), Suzy Cube (£4.29), Summer Catchers (£7.49), Stranger (£7.19), Heartwood Heroes (£9.99), Gunscape (£14.99), Card City Nights (£5.79), Super Night Riders (£4.29).
It doesn’t take a genius to see that by picking 10 of these games for £4.99, you’re going to bag yourself an absolute whopper of a saving. Dive into the deal while you can. Individual game availability is subject to change, but the deal itself is on until 29 January.