Folks, it is my honour to announce to you all that the best game on the Sega Saturn is currently free for anyone with a Steam account.
The cultured among you will undoubtedly already know which Sega Saturn game I am referring to. The one, the only, Nights into Dreams is up for grabs right now - although, quick heads up, you can’t actually claim this one directly through Steam.
That’s because Sega is giving the game away as part of their 60th birthday celebration, so the only way to claim the game is by visiting their “Sega60th” site and signing up for the giveaway by email.
Assumedly you’ll then be sent a code for Nights into Dreams that you can then claim through Steam.
Be speedy about it though, as the Sega 60th site specifies that these codes are only available “while codes last”.
In case you’re wondering why the codes are limited, as they could almost definitely just make more codes if they wanted to, I think this might have something to do with the last time Sega gave away a bunch of games through Steam.
A few years back, Sega gave titles including Armor of Heroes, Endless Zone, and Streets of Kamurocho for a limited time… only for people to realise pretty quickly that it was still possible to claim said “limited time” freebies long past their advertised window, due to the method that Sega used to give them out.
Regardless, it’s likely that Nights into Dreams won’t be the only free title Sega gives away during the birthday celebration, so signing up is probably a good idea regardless.
I mean sure, they’re also giving away some wallpapers and stuff at the moment but let’s be real, anyone can Google “Sonic the Hedgehog” and set a picture as your desktop background. We’re all just here for the free games.
Topics: Steam, Valve, Sega, Free Games