Four new games can currently be yours for the low, low cost of absolutely free on Steam, but you may want to take a closer look at a couple of them before you commit to downloading.
Thank you in advance to the Twitter account Free Steam Games and their tireless effort to collate every single free game on the platform.
First up, Bloodline. This looks like a pretty paint-by-numbers Metroidvania, except with elves that look like vampires instead of, y'know, vampires. Also, just a random aside but, does the art style remind anyone else of AdventureQuest or is it just me having a nostalgia flashback?
The reviews are mostly positive, but there are only five of them at the time of writing so there isn’t a rating consensus for it on Steam. Potentially worth trying, if you keep your expectations low.
Next up, Axios Football. Looks like a budget FIFA clone, but it currently has a Very Positive review score on Steam, with over 98% of the reviews being positive. Wow, 98%! It must be incredible, right?
Well, I think a good chunk of the reviews are fake. I’m not sure what would compel someone to generate fake reviews for a free game, but a lot of the reviews for Axios Football seem to be referencing a racing game and others are just complete gibberish. Can’t recommend this one based on that alone.
The next one is kinda interesting: HoloCall - Send Your Cheers!
So this game is a Guitar Hero-style rhythm action game that is inspired by the HoloLive VTuber community, but it seems there’s a little bit of SingStar influence at play too. In between hitting the notes on the screen, you’ll be prompted to sing some of the lyrics using your microphone for extra points. Neat idea, and the reviews are good.
And finally, DashFire. I intentionally saved this one for last here, because I think it looks phenomenal.
It’s an arena shooter with some clear Quake influences, but the quality of the game itself is kind of unbelievable given that it's free. There is a level of polish here that the other games on the list lack, which is kind of surprising given that it seems to be the first game the dev has ever released. If you only play one game on this list, I’d suggest it be this one.
But if none of these are to your liking, then don’t fret because I’m sure we’ll be back in less than a few days with some more Steam freebies. Honestly, there are probably more free games on the platform than otherwise at this point.
Topics: Steam, Valve, Free Games