There are two things I know we can all agree on. The first is that you should never fart in a lift unless you know you're getting out on the next floor. The second is that everybody loves a free video game.
I don't know about you, but my 2024 backlog is currently begging for mercy. I recently picked up a Steam Deck and instead of actually playing games that came out this year, I've retreated to the safety of heavily modded versions of Skyrim and Stardew Valley. I'm a monster.
If you're looking for something new to play on your PC or Steam Deck and the same callous disregard for your 2024 backlog, you've come to the right place.
Below, you'll find six new Steam games that you can download and keep for free, zero subscription needed. Let's dive in.
- Medved Hellraiser 3: Green Elephant - I'll be honest I have no idea what's going on in this game, but it doesn't look great. Not all free games are worth playing.
- Undead Paradise - Walk through the valley of the shadow of death and/or take a look at your life and realise there's nothing left.
- Kaetram - A cute pixel-art MMORPG that has a few really good reviews.
- ScreenPlay - Now this one is interesting. A digital card game where you build your own movies using various tropes and characters. What an awesome idea!
- Cube Hero Odyssey - An adorable RPG that looks to be inspired by Dragon Quest Builders.
- Cosmotots - An arena shooter that looks noisy in a very bad way.
And there you have it. Six lovely games for you, my lovely reader. Are they all classics? No. But if you're looking for something to keep yourself or the kids entertained on a budget, you could do much worse than some of the games on this list.
Topics: Free Games, Steam, Valve, PC, Indie Games