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Steam adds 6 new free games you can download and keep forever
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Steam adds 6 new free games you can download and keep forever

Which will you try first?

Gaming can be an expensive hobby, but it doesn’t have to be.

There are plenty of free-to-play delights out there, and I’m not talking about the obvious heavy hitters - although I would be nowhere without my beloved Fortnite.

You can also support indie launches in the free-to-play market, six of which I’d like to highlight to you today.

As pointed out by the ever-reliable SteamGamesPC, yet another batch of indie freebies have landed on the Valve storefront.

The first is Omeda Studios’ Predecessor, a third-person multiplayer release that blends “shooter action and MOBA strategy”.

It’s built in Unreal Engine 5, so boasts some nice visuals, and has a Mostly Positive rating from its players.

There are more than 35 heroes for you to choose from, each with unique abilities that range from shooting through walls to raining down rockets on your foes.

If first-person is more your speed, then maybe HELIX Games’ Roswell Ranch is for you.

In this shooter, you’ll be tasked with hiding from a “vigilant UFO”, protecting a farmstead from its extraterrestrial threats.

This one has a more mediocre Mixed rating, but that’s mainly down to the fact that dying triggers what players are calling an annoying cutscene time and time again.

Many praise the game’s goofy nature though.

ICYMI: PlayStation Plus users can grab Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions for free this month.

Turn-based strategy fans might want to check out QuadCom Interactive’s SOF: Enemy from the Future.

“Lead the SOF squad and defend the world against alien invasion! Engage in thrilling turn-based battles and uncover the mysteries of enigmatic extraterrestrials. Your time has come – join the fight and safeguard our future,” the synopsis teases.

In the Very Positive reviews, players praise the game’s graphics and UI, comparing the release to X-COM - high praise in my book.

We return to the first-person shooter genre for Beam Boys’ Neon Fever, which gives players a “one-shot-no-scope-super-laser” gun so accuracy is key here.

You’ll also have a few other handy gadgets at your disposal in this dynamic 4v4 arena shooter.

Like a boomerang, it’s then back to the turn-based strategy genre for Strategeion Studios’ Xenowars: Set Sail.

“In the early stages, you will recruit a team of experts on Earth for exploring a distant alien homeworld, choosing between scientists, mutants, and soldiers. Scour the planet for lost alien technology and uncover the secrets to Earth’s doom,” teases the synopsis.

Finally, we end today’s list with BeginnerGames’ Project Zero which is, sorry to say, another first-person shooter. There’s not a vast amount of variety in today’s line up.

With 16 players per match, this one’s pretty much your standard shooter fare.

You can play Team Death Match, Free For All, Capture The Flag, Gun Game, Elimination, and Bomb Defusal with a range of weapons available in each.

All titles are now available on Steam for free.

Featured Image Credit: Omeda Studios, Valve

Topics: Steam, PC, Free Games