Steam users can get their hands on four free games this weekend, but you'll have to quick to take advantage of this limited-time offer.
There are plenty of free games to download and keep on Steam if you know where to look, but I have to admit that the quality of these free games isn't exactly consistent. The good news is this latest batch of free downloads is all killer, no filler. The bad news? Realistically, you're going to have to pick one and stick with it.
Take a look at one of the free games below!
There are no less than four games on Steam currently offering a free weekend for all users. This means you have the weekend to dive in and check out each of the games before they go back to being regularly priced. To be very clear, this means these games are not free to download and keep, but they are free to download and check out for a limited time.
There's some genuine corkers in the mix, too. Perhaps the biggest of the four is Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege, one of the most popular tactical shooters around. I can't imagine there are many of us left who haven't played this Ubisoft shooter, but if you fit the bill now is the time to check it out.
Next up is Hell Let Loose, a brutally realistic World War II shooter that has a huge, dedicated community of players. If you're looking to scratch that WWII FPS itch, this is the game for you.
If neither of those float your boat you might want to check out Icarus, a PvE survival game with shades of No Man's Sky. Finally, there's BattleBit Remastered, one of the most popular games on Steam, and a wonderful experience for those after something a little like Battlefield.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege trial period ends on 7 December, while the other three games will go back to their regular prices from Monday. In other words, get in quick before you miss out.
Topics: Free Games, Steam, PC