Steam users are in for a January treat this month as there are 12 games to download for free from the store right now, some of them are pretty good too.
Without further delay check out those 12 Steam games below along with a little bit about each one and get to downloading.
Speaking of freebies, Marvel Rivals is a banger hero-shooter that’s free-to-play, what more do you want?
Odyssey: Realm of Echoes- This one is a 3D platformer/adventure game where you explore an open-world, battle monsters and more, it also looks a bit like Minecraft.
Stellarion- Stellarion sees players put behind the wheel (stick? I don’t know) of a spaceship, where they need to gather resources, defend their craft and more as they explore the galaxy.
Only The Lost Shall See- Sees players go on a pilgrimage through a quite pretty world, where they must face perils along the way.
Bean Battle Brawl- A “simple, early beta 3D multiplayer fps” as the developer puts it.
Hunter Hitman- An “action-packed” top-down shooter a bit like Hotline Miami from the look of it.
Champi- This is a tower-defense game where you’re defending your structures from mushrooms, sounds like the plot of The Last Of Us.
Rogue Rubber- This is a game about rubber ducks fighting each other, what more do you want.
Wood and Flesh: A Candleforth Short Story- A point-and-click adventure game with hand-drawn visuals and a great story
Wild Ones Battle Stadium- This is straight-up a clone of the Worms games, not much else to say really.
Dichotomy- This game is in German so I’m not entirely sure what it’s about, if you can speak German though, have at it.
REVEREX: DX- This game looks nuts, and looks like a WarioWare-style game with platforming mixed in, and it’s two-player.
Drewdler- The description for this one says you have to “launch Drew in their orb of armor” and I’m not entirely sure what that means, looks cool though.
Topics: Steam, PC, Free Games