Fighting may not sound like a cosy experience, but games like Stardew Valley have made it an integral part of the genre.
Typically, the combat isn’t taxing (I say this, but the Stardew Valley mine’s lower levels are no joke).
This free Steam download combines Stardew Valley with The Legend of Zelda to create a cute yet feisty experience.
Tinkerlands isn’t out yet, but its demo is.
It’s a co-op experience that allows you to join forces with your friends so that you can “unite, thrive, and conquer”.
Check out the co-op trailer for Tinkerlands right now.
You can choose to go it alone, just know your adventure will be tougher for it.
Its reception thus far has been a warm one.
“Such an amazing game for just a demo,” praised Hidey Ho. “Playing this as a solo was a challenge but such a blast to play and I can't wait to play the full version.”
There are plenty more positive Steam reviews that say similar.
Reviewer Wishiwas said, “Super great game, has extreme potential. Gameplay is fluid and not infuriating unlike other similar games. Is *VERY* Terraria-adjacent. If you liked Terraria, you'll probably like this. If you didn't like Terraria, you'll probably still like this.”
Some reviews are negative, we won’t lie. However, they're few in number.
This is a “very promising game”, and one we’ll be keeping our eyes on long after its launch, just to see if it delivers the experience it promises in the demo.
Like we said earlier, this isn't a free download of the full game.
Annoying though that may be for those of you wanting the full release now, this PC experience is a brilliant way to figure out if this cosy title is for you.
Plus, it’s free.
If you turn down this freebie, you’re going to be disappointed. Possibly. I don’t know for sure, but you’d be a fool to miss out.
Topics: Steam, PC, The Legend Of Zelda, Stardew Valley