It’s Christmastime, so why not play something festive to get you in the mood for the big day tomorrow.
Funnily enough there are very few Christmas-themed games, and the majority of them are quite bad (looking at you Dead Rising 4), fear not though as we have the ultimate Christmas game right here, Batman: Arkham Origins.
If you liked Batman: Arkham Origins you'd like its sequel, Batman: Arkham Shadow below
In the same way people argue whether Die Hard is a Christmas film, people also argue if Batman: Arkham Origins is a Christmas game.
It follows a young, angry Bruce towards the beginning of his crime-fighting career who’s not at home getting cosy by a fire for the holidays, instead he’s saving the day.
The game might not be about Christmas but it is set during Christmas, so I’d say that counts as a festive game.
If you haven’t played it before it’s worth trying especially if you enjoyed the other Batman: Arkham games.
It’s not as good unfortunately but I’d go as far to say it’s underrated, but if you’re still on the fence let me inform you that you can currently get the game for mere pocket change.
Batman: Arkham Origins is currently £1.49 on Steam, an absolute steal for quite a decently sized game, and it’s Steam Deck verified so you can play it on the go.
As far as I’m aware you can’t buy the game on other platforms, as it was delisted on the Xbox Store ages ago and PlayStation fans can only play it via PlayStation Plus Premium.
If you have the disc for Xbox 360 you’ll be able to play it on Xbox that way, but no such luck for PlayStation users.
At the time of writing the only way to acquire it digitally is through Steam and for less than £2 it’s more than worth it to get into the festive spirit.