The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim players have been missing an entire dungeon this whole time, but to be fair it’s been really well hidden.
The dungeons in Skyrim are seriously impressive, even more so when you weren't expecting to find one.
See The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim below
Given the sheer size of Skyrim though and how much content Bethesda packed into it there are bound to be places you haven’t been to yet unless you’ve been dedicated to the cause since the game first came out.
In a Reddit thread discussing such secret locations it was said that there’s a secret dungeon out in the woods somewhere, and you’ve probably walked over it.
The user said they’re “not sure where it is, but there is one of the biggest (don’t quote me) dungeons in the game underneath a hut in the woods. I BELIEVE to be in the Falkreath Woods, but I'm not positive. I know that it exists though.”
Now I haven’t played Skyrim for quite a long time and because I didn’t vibe with it as much as other people have I never played through it again, so I’ll probably have missed this dungeon on my travels.
Who knows what’s down there, maybe there are some decent rewards, but if anything it could be an entirely new dungeon you’ve never seen before so it’s worth a look.
The directions are a bit vague though so I’d say just wander into Falkreath Woods and see if you can find the cabin the user is talking about, after which you’ll probably be looking for a basement of some kind.
I’m not saying it’s worth starting a whole new playthrough, but it’s something to keep in mind next time you do, there are far more secrets in Skyrim than we’d dare to dream so scour every nook and cranny till you find them all.