There was a time when everything made sense. When all that mattered was whether Homer could drive his car through the doughnut atop the Kwik-E-Mart.
Simpsons Hit and Run was a “masterpiece”. This isn’t just nostalgia talking – it sold millions of copies upon release, and has since been praised for its hilarious antics.
Sadly, a remaster of the hit 2003 game has never been developed, leaving fans wondering why.
Rarely are gamers united about anything, but when it comes to Simpsons Hit and Run, they all agree that a remaster is necessary.
User WurpleOnYT posted on r/ps2, “Why has this masterpiece not been officially remastered yet?”
While “rights and licensing” seem the most obvious culprits, that doesn’t make the lack of a remaster easier to deal with.
In fact, fans are so tired of waiting for developers to see the light that they’ve started an online petition.
Check out the best Simpsons video games of all time below
It reads, “Public demand definitely warrants a sequel and I'm astonished one hasn't been made yet, or alternatively a remake of the original game [...] If you are nostalgic about this game and would love to see another one made, you know what to do!”
Even though the petition has been going for years and thus looks unlikely to grab the attention of EA (the publisher it’s aimed at), many sing the game's praises in the comments.
If nothing else, it's captured a brief moment when gamers were united; a beautiful but rare sight.
Charles Bartlett, one of the thousands of supporters for a remaster, said, “Please bring Simpsons Hit and Run back.”
Another fan, this time Cale James, commented, “This needs to happen.”
Yes, it does, though with every passing year it seems increasingly unlikely.
To make matters worse, used copies of Simpsons Hit and Run can cost a pretty penny due to how in-demand they are. But with that as our only option, we have to do what we must to keep this game alive.
At the very least, there are overhauls and mods out there that give us the remaster we’re dreaming of (kinda of), even if it's unofficially and less accessible for all fans.
Take a long look, my friends, because this may be the last time you see gamers united under one banner.