Red Dead Redemption 2 just got red-er, dead-er, and more redemption-y with a massive expansion mod that adds over 100 new quests to the game.
It’s a real shame Rockstar Games didn’t support Red Dead Redemption 2 with much additional content after launch, though to be fair they haven’t really bothered with single player expansions since GTA IV.
If any game deserved it though it’d be Red Dead Redemption 2
The expansion we’re talking about today is called Bandit Hideouts, and gives you more of an excuse to explore the open-world.
Not that you needed much encouragement considering it’s bloody gorgeous, but still, now there’s more to do.
As the name implies it throws loads of bandit camps throughout the map for you to ride into, eliminate and move on for money and other goodies.
There are quite a few so I wouldn’t suggest trying to do them all one after the other but it’s a good mod to have installed if you’re starting a new playthrough, just for a bit of added variety in-between missions.
These camps plus the main storyline plus all the side content that was already included in the game will really increase your playthrough duration, and there are others just like it, some of which even open the map up to include Mexico.
Personally I think the best mods you can download include the ones that finally give us an Undead Nightmare mode, something that was officially added in Red Dead Redemption but failed to make an appearance in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Even GTA V: Online got an Undead Nightmare mode (sort of) this Halloween, so for Red Dead Redemption 2 to get nothing is a real kick in the teeth.
Anyway I digress, if you want to expand your playthrough of Red Dead Redemption 2 with these bandit camps, download the mod for free now.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Mods, PC