Clearly fans of Rockstar Games’ cowboy simulator Red Dead Redemption 2 have taken issue with the lack of Christmas spirit the game exudes, and have decided to take matters into their own hands.
“Snow - The Definitive Singleplayer Snow Mod“ is a brand new mod over on Nexus from mod author RichardHertz (haha very funny) that aims to bring a bit of extra seasonal charm to Red Dead Redemption 2.
Fancy a bit of nostalgia? See the Red Dead Redemption 2 launch trailer below
RichardHertz describes the mod as "Singleplayer snow done right” and boasts that it includes “custom weather cycles, timecycle mods, and other added details tailored to each area of the map, in order to create the most immersive winter experience possible."
The mod author also states that it was "all done in a lightweight mod under 100mb” and that the mod has “no known conflicts, and no spawn issues", so you can install it without fear of overloading your hard drive or messing up your current modlist.
They’ve even given you two options to download, the “Light Snow” version and the “Max Snow” version. Assumedly your choice is dependent on how festive you’re truly feeling.
Extremely impressive work honestly, given how beautiful the game looks in some of the screenshots that the mod author provided.
Seems the community is quite taken with the mod too, given how kind some of the folks in the comments are being.
“Frozen trees, yellow and dead grass, frozen lakes, how beautiful everything looks,” commented user TheWhiskyJack.
“It's atmospheric to go through the Eastward Bound mission with him, in which you and the gang leave the windy and cold state of Ambarino and while you're driving, see how everything slowly but surely melts and revives.”
Jeez, that’s some awfully poetic praise for a mod. It’s almost enough to make this cold-hearted Grinch start to get into the festive spirit.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar Games, Mods