Sometimes, a lie isn’t really a lie at all, but rather an elusive prize from an overbearing, homicidal robot. If you haven’t guessed it already, I’m talking about Portal, specifically Portal 2, and how it’s regarded as one of the best video games ever made.
When Portal 2 burst onto the Xbox, PlayStation, and PC with repulsion and propulsion gel, we were once again thrown into a world of brilliant chaos. Filled with puzzles, quirky characters, and the return of beloved GLaDOS (I don’t care that she’s out to get you, I love her), it filled the void that the original Portal had left behind. As Reddit user Blaquetooth explains, the game had everything. “From the launch ARG, writing, voice acting, game play, progression, back story, to the ending. Even the co-op mode is outstanding. Easily a top 5 of all time.”
Go back in time with the Portal 2 teaser trailer
Hear! Hear! Knowing that the chances of Valve returning to this franchise to give us a new instalment is dwindling every day is a heavy burden to bear. Jake52212 mused “I do wonder if they'll ever revisit it. Valve seems to be very limited in what they make these days and Glados’ VA is getting older.” Like the sands of an hourglass, time is slipping away from Valve if it intends to revive GLaDOS for another outing.
Many gamers joined to throw their support behind Portal 2, though I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that there were other strong contenders as well.
I doubt it’ll surprise anyone to learn that Mass Effect 2 was also highly ranked by gamers, mainly due to just how sensational the opening sequence is. Seeing Shepard die so early on, seemingly leaving us with nowhere else to go, was a stroke of brilliance by BioWare, as one Redditor agrees. “Arguably best / one of the best starts of a game. You just never expected the beginning to happen,” said Geo_Music. I’ll be honest, though, romancing Garrus far is the primary reason I love ME2 so much.
Star Wars KOTOR, Ocarina of Time, and Bioshock were all mentioned too, with plenty of players in support of them claiming the greatest video game title as well. What would you choose? Obviously, Portal 2, but what else would make it on your list…?
Topics: Valve, Xbox, PlayStation, PC