When it comes to Fortnite cosmetics, I’m a fiend.
Do I rotate between the same four skins? Yes, I do. Does that stop me from acquiring every possible free cosmetic, even those I’m unlikely to ever use? No, it does not.
If it’s questing that’s required, I will do it.
If it’s a free gift, I will secure it.
It’s very handy then that I’m a PlayStation Plus subscriber as a new cosmetic pack will soon be added to the service, an exclusive one at that.
You might’ve spotted that I said “soon”, as the ‘PlayStation Plus Celebration Pack’ has leaked ahead of time.
As reported by Fortnite leaker FortniteFNLK over on twitter, the pack is believed to drop during Chapter 6, Season 2.
Chapter 6, Season 1: Hunters is in its final few weeks.
The current season is expected to draw to a close on 21 February with Season 2 assumedly landing on the same day.
That means we’re likely only a few weeks away from the launch of this PlayStation Plus pack and while we don’t know exactly what cosmetics it’ll offer, it’ll certainly include a skin, pickaxe, and backbling of some variety.
Those will assumedly thematically mirror the vibe of Chapter 6, Season 2.
While that theme is yet to be officially announced, leakers have unearthed that we’re seemingly in for yet another heist season.
You may recall Chapter 4, Season 4’s Last Resort to name the most recent example.
This leak came from Twitter users Loolo_WRLD and FNBRintel.
The codename ‘RobberyGameplay’ is reportedly being used with the Flare Gun rumoured to return - a huge personal win for me.
It’s also believed that a new chainsaw/ripsaw launcher will be introduced.
I’m not wholly against another heist season, as long as Epic can come up with a few ways to set it apart from Last Resort which doesn’t feel all that long ago.
The NPC-guarded vaults were fun to begin with, but became somewhat of an annoyance after a while.
It certainly wasn’t what I’d deem one of the game’s best seasons.
That being said, if it was a heist season with more of a Cyberpunk-inspired aesthetic, that I could get on board with - and would be something that I think would massively complement the existing map locations.
But I digress. When the PlayStation Plus pack is confirmed during the next season, we’ll be sure to update you.
Topics: Fortnite, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Playstation Plus, Sony, Epic Games