If you’re looking to bag a deal on a PlayStation Plus subscription, you’ve come to the right place. Allow me to fill you in the latest offer, granting you 30% off an extra or premium tier subscription.
We’re yet to find out this month’s extra and premium tier offerings, but we don’t have long to wait as the line-up will be announced tomorrow. However, you can now grab LEGO 2K Drive, Sable, and PowerWash Simulator from the essential monthly catalogue. I actually think this is the best PlayStation Plus drop we’ve seen in some time. All three games are hugely fun, so I have high hopes for what’s announced tomorrow. Needless to say, the line-up cannot afford to be disappointing given the recent PS Plus price hikes which left some fans threatening to end their subscriptions. If you’ve not been totally impressed with the value of PlayStation Plus, it might be worth taking advantage of this offer to grab it at a cheaper price point.
Take a look at Sable in action below.
As I mentioned, you can currently grab 30% off the extra and premium tiers through the PlayStation App, but the offer is only on until 18 December so you have just a few days to act. In the US, this reduces the price of the premium tier from $159.99 a year to $111.99, or from $134.99 to $94.49 on the extra tier. The offer is, unfortunately, only available to new subscribers so you cannot renew your existing subscription at the cheaper price.
If your subscription expires while the offer is running though, you should become eligible. So far, the offer has only been spotted in the US, but it’s well worth checking out your country’s storefront. A discount is always welcomed but as Reddit user wowsersftw1 pointed out, “You’re basically paying normal price before the price rise in September.”
MetricX added, “These prices are gross. My backlog is big enough,” while craigybacha warned, “Don’t fall for it [...] 90% of the games last year were terrible and it seems to be getting worse.” Uh oh. PlayStation Plus still has lots of work to do to win fans back over.
Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus, Sony