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PlayStation Plus just made a huge change you've been waiting for

PlayStation Plus just made a huge change you've been waiting for

PlayStation Plus subscribers won't want to miss this

PlayStation Plus Premium subscribers can benefit from a quiet update to the retro game library, that’ll be a real treat for trophy hunters.

While the pricing could be a little bit better, PlayStation Plus Premium offers users everything the subscription service has to offer, including online play, the Extra game catalogue, a library of retro titles, and as an added bonus, cloud-streaming.

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We’re talking about the retro titles today, which not only grant players access to some iconic titles but also upscales them, adds rewind features, and other modernisations.

Amongst these additions also comes trophies, those lovely digital collectables that give you a brief serotonin boost every time you earn one, with some players making it their mission to collect them all for a sweet, sweet Platinum Trophy.

Some of these retro titles have trophy support, whereas others don’t, but recently PlayStation updated its offering to make more games than ever support the collectables.

Examples include Toy Story 2, Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare, or Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus.

In all of the above titles, as well as several others, you’ll be able to play the game in full as well as boost your credibility with some trophies.

Sometimes earning trophies is vital to accrue PlayStation Star points, so it’s worth nabbing some easy ones if you get the chance to, plus it adds a bit more longevity to your playthrough so it’s a win-win either way.

PlayStation has endeavoured to add even more classic titles to PlayStation Plus Premium, recently adding some PlayStation 2 games to the subscription service for the very first time.

The PlayStation Classic catalogue is only available through the most expensive tier, PlayStation Plus Premium, though it’s worth grabbing if you can afford it, especially if you love retro games.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Playstation Plus, PlayStation 4, Sony