Here it is, your monthly warning about what’s soon to depart PlayStation Plus’ extra and premium tiers.
It’s been confirmed that 12 titles will be leaving next month, on Tuesday 21 January.
The affected titles are Resident Evil 2, Hardspace: Shipbreaker, Just Cause 3, Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Edition, Legend of Mana, Secret of Mana, Dragon FighterZ, Life is Strange: Before The Storm, Life is Strange, Just Cause 4: Reloaded, Just Cause 4, and Pure Hold’em World Poker Championship.
There’s some real bangers here, but there is one saving grace.
Many of us are heading into a festive break so there is time to enjoy some of these titles before they depart.
You’ve got around a month and Resident Evil 2, for example, can be completed in around eight to 10 hours.
Secret of Mana is achievable too at around 15 or so hours, with both Life is Strange titles taking you roughly the same length of time or less.
That’s handy because I’m midway through a Before The Storm playthrough so will need to finish that off.
Even Just Cause 4, which boasts an enormous open world, will only take you around 16 hours to complete.
Life is Strange’s Max recently returned in Double Exposure.
Of course, all of these heavy losses have left PlayStation Plus subscribers feeling disappointed.
“Damnit, RE2 was on my backlog! Oh well, such is life with a subscription service,” wrote RChickenMan.
“Once again, the titles leaving are extremely high profile compared with what has been added. Rounds off a poor year for PS+ in my opinion,” added sswishbone, while Fearless-Function-84 remarked, “Life is Strange is actually leaving. My heart.”
Naturally, there’s two sides to every story and other subscribers added that this is the first month where they’ve actually already played all that they want to in the departing line-up.
If you haven’t though, this is your final warning.
Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Sony, Playstation Plus, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Life Is Strange