PlayStation gamers looking for a shiny new RPG to get stuck into are pretty spoiled for choice at the moment, what with one thing and another.
First of all we've got the impending launch of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, which we actually gave a 10/10 to in our review yesterday. Then there's Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth and Granblue Fantasy: Relink, plus Dragon's Dogma 2 barreling towards us like a damn freight train. Allow me, then, to throw yet another option your way.
Take a look at our review of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth below!
Unicorn Overlord might have a fairly silly name (though not that silly compared to some other RPGs), but it also happens to be one of the most gorgeous looking games we've seen in a while. Better yet, you can currently download and play a free demo on Nintendo Switch and PlayStation consoles, no PlayStation Plus needed.
"From the masterminds that brought 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim and Odin Sphere, ATLUS x Vanillaware presents the rebirth of tactical fantasy RPG," reads the games official description. "Fight against fate and embark on a royal adventure to regain your reign alongside trustworthy allies.
"Unicorn Overlord combines the timeless tactical RPG genre with overworld exploration and innovative battle system for a unique epic fantasy experience in the iconic Vanillaware style."
Your progress in the demo will carry over into the full game, which launches 8 March, so there's absolutely no reason you can't dive in right now and start planning your next big adventure. What? Too afraid to juggle this with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth? Maybe you should grow up and have multiple massive RPGs on the go, yeah? Don't embarrass yourself. Who needs to actually go outside and get fresh air or go to work or see other humans when there are so many RPGs to play?
Topics: PlayStation, Playstation Plus, Free Games, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch