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PlayStation 5 system update quietly removes feature everyone hated

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PlayStation 5 system update quietly removes feature everyone hated

Thank goodness it's finally gone!

Certain PlayStation features are up for debate over how awful or useful they are. However, there’s one feature that we collectively hated.

Thankfully, the PlayStation feature we all disliked has been removed.

No official ceremony was held for its departure, but that hasn’t stopped fans from praising the decision by Sony.

You’ve likely already figured out which feature we’re speaking of if you’re always on your PS5, but just in case you missed it, allow this Redditor to explain.

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“They took away that stupid remote play banner finally,” reads their comment.

Yes, the dreaded remote play notification has finally sung its last hurrah.

Seeing the back of this annoying banner has been a “rollercoaster”, as despite toggling to hide the bar in settings, some players noticed the notification still remained.

“I'm tearing up over here. Finally,” joked a Redditor who then ran into the issue of the banner still lurking like an unwanted party guest.

“Edit aaaaand it's still there, regardless. Now I'm sad. Edit aaand it IS gone, but only disappears when you launch a game. I'm happy again. Life's a Rollercoaster.”

We weren’t quite ready for the journey that took us on.

The uncomfortable ride continues, only this time in the games department thanks to PlayStation removing one of its biggest games from sale in multiple countries.

On the flip side of this, PlayStation Plus subscribers have gained access to one of 2024’s best reviewed games.

When this wild ride will stop, we can’t say. Fortunately, we can be smug in the knowledge that that blasted remote play banner can’t mock us anymore.

There were other changes made during the PS update, but they’re immaterial when compared to the ability to control what shows up on your screen.

Featured Image Credit: Sony

Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Sony