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PlayStation 5 gamers horrified to realise their download speeds are set up wrong

PlayStation 5 gamers horrified to realise their download speeds are set up wrong

Make sure you change this setting for better speeds

Whether you’ve just got a PlayStation 5 or have had the console for some time, it’s usually worth checking through the settings every now and then to see if anything has been updated.

One setting we advise you to check today is in your network settings, as this Redditor found out recently.

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They went to the message board after noticing their download speeds were much slower than they should be.

After checking the console settings they were made aware that you can change the network Wi-Fi speed from 2.4GHz to 5GHz.

This gave the user a much-needed boost to their speeds and found games were downloading significantly faster after the change.

Essentially, it doesn’t matter how good your internet speeds are if the right settings aren’t configured correctly due to how Wi-Fi signals are sent throughout your home.

You’ll need to know if your router supports 5GHz, though many new routers from the past couple of years should be fine.

Once this is checked, start up your PlayStation 5 and head into ‘Network Settings’. From here you’ll need to select ‘Set Up Internet Connection’ and hover over your home network.

Press the Options button and choose ‘Advanced Settings’, then hop into ‘Wi-Fi Frequency Bands’. Here you can choose the 5GHz frequency instead of automatic.

Of course, if you want the fastest possible speeds, you’ll need to use an ethernet cable, as Wi-Fi signals can be impacted by electronic interference around the home.

This information isn’t readily available to every user and it’s only when there’s an issue that you might dig around and find that you need to change the setting.

One helpful user in the replies gave some great advice on this saying, “I just have different names for my 2.4 GHz and my 5 GHz bands. Most of my devices are connected to the 5 GHz band, and the 2.4 is pretty much reserved for things that aren’t compatible with 5.”

Featured Image Credit: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony