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Overheating PlayStation 5 opened up, leaves us all scarred for life

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Overheating PlayStation 5 opened up, leaves us all scarred for life

Our eyes!

There are things none of us should be forced to see.

Yet, by peering into the horrifying face of this PlayStation 5, we can learn a valuable lesson: keep your consoles clean.

Every time I see inside an overheated PS5 I start to panic and immediately eye my console, wondering if today is the day I regret not dusting it as often as I should.

On the PlayStation subreddit, user BigCoreyD allowed us to see inside his son’s PS5.

Christ, we wish we could unsee it.

Anyone who works at Sony who might be reading this, avert your eyes now.

Will you join in with the mayhem of the Midnight Murder Club?

The clogged air vents look as fluffy as my cat, which should tell you everything you need to know if you’d rather not see the image the OP provided.

Think I’m joking? Think again.

“Damn bro… did… you guys recently loose a gerbil maybe?” asked theycmeroll, to which the OP joked that his dog was missing.

It turns out that the OP does in fact own two dogs, however, even if you’re not a pet owner, you should be keeping the PSU clean.

As you’d expect with Reddit, many comments give the OP a wealth of suggestions on how to keep their house clean.

While the OP takes it all in good fun, they did add that their son has seemingly learnt his lesson since seeing the PSU caked in fur.

What is more, there’s apparently been “no issues since” the PS5 was properly cleaned.

Needing to clean your hardware isn’t some revelation – there's always little nooks and crannies dust and dirt can get into.

That said, it’s all too easy not give the problem another thought until your PS5 overheats.

We’re all guilty of it.

Let this be your reminder that we need to do better. And if you keep your house immaculate, you might still want to check the PSU just in case, especially if you have pets.

We hope to never see a case like this again.

Poor PS5.

Featured Image Credit: Sony, Rafal Jedrzejek - Unsplash

Topics: PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Sony, Tech, Real Life