When the God of War series made its debut in 2005 for the PlayStation 2 it introduced many fans to a more mature take on the hack-and-slash genre, in comparison to let’s say, the brilliantly camp, Devil May Cry from Capcom.
In 2005, Santa Monica Studio’s God of War had less emphasis on cinematic presentation, and was a lot about brutally killing whatever got in Kratos’ way on his path to revenge against the almighty Greek God, Zeus and his children, Kratos being one of his children. Don't get me wrong, back in the day, the God of War series still had a fantastic story arc that kept you sucked in from start to finish, but I think we can agree that post-2018, it’s had fewer boobies and more emotion. That is unless boobies are all the emotion you need, then good on you.
Check out the God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla trailer below!
Some may like the original take on the series from the PS2 and PS3 era, while others may prefer the series from the PS4 onwards. For me, I appreciate each era, but in its own unique ways. It’s fair to say that for better or worse, God of War fans have been on quite the journey with Kratos since 2005.
However, there’s one God of War fan who doesn't appreciate its current direction. In that case, it’s the man who helped create the series, David Jaffe, who was the director at Santa Monica Studio on the original God of War and its 2007 sequel.
Speaking on a recent episode of his YouTube podcast, while being a fan of God of War (2018), he believes that the current developers at Santa Monica Studio impose too much of their personal feelings into Kratos’ story and have made him too soft. Is Jaffe right or wrong? Who are we to say, at the end of the day, we all have our preferences whether we may or not agree with some opinions.
It’s perhaps worth keeping in mind that not only did God of War Ragnarök earn a bucket load of nominations in 2022, but it’s also the fastest-selling first-party PlayStation title of all time, claiming that crown from Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us Part II. So make of that what you will.
God of War Ragnarök is out now on PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4, and recently Santa Monica Studio released the free story DLC Valhalla as a thank-you to fans. Which was nice, so thank you Santa Monica Studio.
Topics: God Of War, Santa Monica Studio, PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5