We’re officially one day away from Starfield’s release, if you paid for early access anyway, with many pre-downloading there copies.
There’s a lot riding on Bethesda’s new Xbox exclusive, and fans are praying for the game’s success. Luckily, first impressions are promising, with reviewers sharing a lot positive remarks about the game and confirming fan expectations, although there was a minor freakout the other day due an in-game message that leaked online.
Starfield officially releases tomorrow, get hyped with the trailer below
Nevertheless, fans are excited, many of which have already pre-installed the game on their Xbox Series X/S consoles or PCs. While it should be smooth sailing from this point onwards, would-be space-explorers are being told one crucial bit of advice, relating to their Steam pre-installs.
This was shared by a Reddit user going by the name of ComManDerBG, who created a post titled “Important PSA for anyone that has pre-loaded the game on Steam and is playing EA tomorrow.”
The post read: “When the game officially unlocks at 8pm EST the 31st Steam will begin to unpack those files. The speed of this process is completely dependent on the speed of the drive you have it installed on … After it unpacks steam will then download a few remaining files, but these are usually small, like usually just the .exp.”
It went on to say: “So when the game unlocks, and you see Steam ‘downloading’ something, look at the bar, Steam has two types, the segmented vertical blue bars shows network use, while the green line graph shows drive use (labeled as "disk" on the download page), you'll notice its almost exclusively the green line graph.”
If you’re not up to speed with the latest tech-jargon, it basically means you’re game is predownloaded and it’s just making itself available to play on your PC, not redownloading itself as some may believe.
It’s also worth noting that Starfield is one of the very few PC titles that actually requires an SSD to run properly, so if your PC doesn’t have one and you didn’t know, tomorrow is going to be a very disappointing day.
Starfield will release tomorrow for those who have early access, and the 6th of September for everyone else.