Red Dead Redemption 2 was criminally under supported by Rockstar Games despite its success, but luckily modders are doing the developer's job for them.
It might come across as greedy to want more content for Red Dead Redemption 2, as the base game is absolutely massive and a single playthrough can take as long as 187 hours if you want to be a completionist.
God knows how long it’ll take to 100% GTA VI, as it’s supposedly leagues bigger than Red Dead Redemption 2.
To be fair though, the game came out over five years ago and while new players do stumble across the occasional secret or reference, the majority of players have seen and done everything the game has to offer.
If you’re one of those players and primarily play on PC you’ll likely turn to mods for a new experience and the one we’re highlighting today gives you a new heist to complete.
The Bank Wagon Heist is exactly what it says, a new heist where the player needs to off-road a convoy and steal the loot on offer.
You’ll need to complete three prep missions and then the finale, but the reward is worth it, and it’s just nice to have something new to do as well.
It would have been pleasant if Rockstar had added new content like this but unfortunately, the studio instead released a few lacklustre updates for Red Dead Online - though in fairness, there’s only so much you can add to a game set at the end of the Wild West era.
But if you’re not willing to leave Red Dead Redemption 2 behind just yet, definitely check out the mods available for the game, as some are absolute game changers like one that brings back the beloved Undead Nightmare mode, which should have been an official DLC expansion.
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, Mods, PC, Rockstar Games